Reviving Lost Love

Reviving Lost Love

I often mention how I love to do collage work, watercolour sketches, and blind contour drawing. I also talk about not having a lot of time to play with these mediums. I want to change that.

Last week I started an online course called Sketchbook Revival. It is full of free tutorials from artists who work in their sketchbooks and journals constantly, if not daily. I am already far behind on the 2 sessions a day but hopefully, will catch up before the classes are no longer available. 

I'm loving it. I have to say. It really helps to get out of your own head by following prompts by other artists to try new materials or techniques. Being continually reminded not to take the session, or yourself too seriously and just play is freeing. Letting go of perfectionism is important, as most of us artists have our egos to wrestle with. Making art just because you feel like it is one of the most important rules, and its one that is forever being swept under the rug.

This sketchbook revival has taken me back to a time many years ago when my roommate and I were both invited to participate in an exhibition at the New Brunswick Museum. Our dining room table was immediately transformed into the art hub for many weeks where piles of supplies and materials lived as we worked on our projects. We were so engrossed in our work that we would consistently say no to any invitations to go out after work. We were so content in our creating and each other's company that nothing else mattered. Our hearts were full. Our minds occupied with thousands of possibilities. I didn't realize how much I missed that time until I started these inspiring sketchbook sessions and looked at my desk. My desk is a mess. you can hardly see the surface. It's full of possibilities covered in supplies and materials.

Having dedicated time to be creative is important.Trying new techniques and experimenting is essential to not getting stuck with what you know. My sketchbook has sat unused for far too long. I am hopeful that the Sketchbook Revival will put me on a path to make time for creative play on paper on a daily basis. 

My advice to you? Make some time for you. Find something that used to inspire you and rekindle your love. You won't regret it. 

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